Supporting British Flower Week
'Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.'
Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 1858

Cut this morning from our garden as the ground was still damp and the sun had not sneaked through this morning, these blooms have now nestled in what was a 1960's lampshade! Funny what can make a fantastic new vessel for flowers.
Full of peonies, Garden roses to include Margaret Merrill and Queen of Sweden this arrangement captures June so perfectly.

Using Cut British Flowers from local growers as well as the larger wholesale companies that are now established really enables Florists to add movement, intrigue and create new combinations of flowers, colours and combinations which are not always apparent when just ordering from the Dutch system.
For me British Flowers means scent and roses.. I might as well admit.. Roses are my favourite flower and to me the English Grown roses are the epitome of romance and perfect for my high summer bridal work.

A lot of these blooms are not perfect, the stems are not straight and they don't come in bundles of 10's.. but they are beautiful and they do deserve a place in the world of floristry.

If you would like to find out more about British Flower Week then check out their website. Also follow our daily arrangement posts till Friday this week.
Happy British Flower Week x